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http://www.100md.com 2007年12月1日 《人人健康·医学导刊》 2007年第12期
     【中图分类号】:R256.1 【文献标识码】:B 【文章编号】: 1004-597X(2007)12-0053-03

    【摘要】 防风通圣丸属于解表类中成药,具有解表通里,清热解毒的作用,是中医用于治疗外感风邪、头痛咽干、疮疡初起等病的传统药物。近年临床开发出许多新用途,在治疗肥胖、皮肤顽疾、中风、高血脂和偏头疼及脑病后遗留额痛等方面有其独特的疗效。

    【关键词】 防风通圣;治疗;适应症

    Windproof passes the saint new old indication summary

    XU Qian-jun

    【Abstract】 Fangfengtongshengwan is a diaphoretic Chinese patent drug. It is effective of relieving exterior syndrome, inducing diaphoresis, reducing fever and detoxification. In traditional Chinese Medical Science it was used to deal with extrogenous diseased, headache and gular dryness, small pyogenic infection of skin. Recently, we have improved this drug and developed its new functions and usage. It has a unique effect in dealing with obesity, chronic skin disease, stroke, hyperlipemia, migraine and metopodynia after brain illnesses, etc.

    【Key word】 Fang feng tong sheng; Treatment; Indication

    防风通圣丸属于解表类中成药 ......

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